Did you know?

Hello guys. Hope you are all doing good! I was wondering about what to talk about and I realized that there were so many things I didn’t know about differences and success. So today I would like you to be aware of these many extraordinary stories as I am! I wish you a very good reading!

Did you know that Thomas Edison was told he was “too stupid to learn anything”?

He was saw as a person apart because he strongly believed that the most important thing was to learn a lot. But in the end he became one of the greatest pioneers of all time. Edison succeeded in his life as a great inventor with inventions like the phonograph, motion picture camera and electric light bulb that have influenced our everyday lives.

Do you remember? I told you that your physical difference is not a handicap for you. But maybe you still not convinced?

So did you know that Nick Vujicic was born, raised and living without arms and legs?

Nick Vujicic was born with a rare disease called Tetra-amelia. This disease deprives him of his limbs and yet he learned to write, to grasp objects. He also learned to use a computer and type text, throw tennis balls, play the pedal drum, comb his hair, brush his teeth and hair, answer the phone, groom himself and even swim. And yet today he started a family, he is both a motivator and CEO of his own association “Life Without Limbs”.

Did you know that Oprah Winfrey was also told she wasn’t going to be successful in her chosen career?

In fact, a TV producer from Baltimore WJZ-TV said Oprah was “unfit for television news” and that she should get a role on a daytime TV show. Despite feeling emotionally broken, and hurt, she began working as a talk show host at “People Are Talking” and then for her own “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. She succeed!

Did you know Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for not being creative enough?

It’s can seems quite ironical but it’s a truth. The person who created Disneyland was once told he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. But he never give up. Then despite he created an animation studio that was bankrupted a few years later, he believed in himself. And finally we all know the story, he produce a highly successful cartoon series.

Finally did you know about Haile Gebrselassie story ?

Haile was one of ten children born in rural Ethiopia, forced to run 12 miles every day to get to school and back. He would later become one of most successful athletes in the world, with two Olympic golds in the 10,000 meter

Did you know that the main related word between these stories is Difference? Do you still believe that because you are different in any way, you can’t succeed?

Let me tell you something. All these stories are amazing because they are all about different people experiencing different things but all of them succeed!

So you don’t have anymore excuses! You have your chance to succeed! You can succeed and if you don’t it just your fault not because of your differences!

See you soon guys!

Don’t forget to leave me in comment your impressions or questions I will be glad to answer you.


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4 thoughts on “Did you know?

  1. Great article! I didn’t know any of that facts. What can be said about this article is that no matter if you failed, no matter if people do not believe in you as long as you believe in yourself and you are willing to make it happen !


  2. I really should take a closer look at Nick Vujicic’s life.

    I mean, sure he managed to do all of that. But it worked only because he was assisted by people who loved him, didn’t he? It would be much harder if the “entire world” is trying to deprive you from reaching your goal.


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